恥知らずのウェブエンジニア -web engineer, shameless



Set up gRPC server with Go and try requesting with PHP

Hi guys. In this time, I will set up the gRPC server and try requesting it. By the way, it seems that the gRPC server with PHP is spoken by ↓, but it seems that is no plan now.(2018 / February) groups.google.com So this time, I will set up…


なんかもうアレなので前回PHPでgRPCサーバーにリクエストするっぽいことをやったので、今回は実際にgRPCサーバーを立てて、リクエストをしてみる。 PHPでgRPC叩く手始め - 恥知らずのウェブエンジニア -web engineer, shameless ちなみにPHPでgRPCサーバーは…